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Curbside traffic project to start next Tuesday (April 18)

After a considerable period of tests, adjustments and discussions with entities and authorities, drivers at the Fortaleza airport who use the curbside spaces for more than 10 minutes will be charged BRL 20.00 for each additional 10 minutes, starting next Tuesday, April 18th. Self-service payment terminals will be available at the exit. 

Users will continue to have free access to the curbside. The goal is for the area to be used appropriately. All users will have 10 minutes for curbside pick-up or drop-off. Instead of parking at the curbside, which is prohibited, drivers who need more time to wait for a passenger, for example, should drive to the parking lot.

Other airports in Brazil and around the world already use this model. To define how long the grace period should be, several tests were conducted, including during peak hours, when traffic is more intense. Actual data show that a 10-minute grace period is sufficient to cover the entire drive at an average speed of 20km/h and pick up or drop off passengers with luggage.

“It is important to emphasize that curbside parking has always been prohibited. The new model will organize the traffic flow and ensure that everybody can access the curbside spaces to pick up or drop off passengers. Ten minutes is more than enough. Our tests show that the average curbside use time, including the drive from the entrance to the exit, is four minutes,” explains Natalie Valezi, director of marketing and communication at Fraport Brasil.

People with disabilities who need more than 10 minutes for curbside pick-up or drop-off should send an e-mail to ouvidoriafor@fraport-brasil.com with the subject line ‘Person with disability - curbside use’ (“PCD - utilização meio-fio”), their full name, flight date, number, and time, airline and copy of their person with disability placard or credential, as provided for in Law 13,146/15. The email must be sent at least 72 hours before the flight date. The maximum grace period is 30 minutes (including the standard 10-minute pediod).You can find more information on the Fortaleza Airport website: https://fortaleza-airport.com.br/en/institutional/accessibility.